“就选山东”高校毕业生省级集中招聘活动(胶东经济圈综合类专场)暨青岛大学 2024 届毕业生秋季供需见面双选会



青岛市 · 黄岛区经验不限本科 9K - 12K





MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: o Provides information required by regulatory entities in order to comply. o Prepares tax returns according to current laws and regulations. o Provides support to the cash flow of Tenaris legal entities, and meets the payment commitments to suppliers. o Performs monthly bank reconciliations. o Ensure proper monthly closing and support to issue the financial statements of the subsidiaries. o Complies with the company policies, procedures and management standards, and ensures adherence with all laws and regulations that apply to the area of responsibility. o Protects from damage, theft or misuse the facilities, equipment and other physical resources assigned to his/her area. KEY QUALIFICATIONS o Bachelor’s degree or above in Finance, Accounting, Economics, or related discipline. 本科及以上学历,财务相关专业 o Good interpersonal and communication skills as well as a strong work ethic. 良好的人际关系及沟通能力,良好的职业道德 o Good logic thinking and analytical ability. 良好的逻辑及分析能力 o Maintain a high level of accuracy with attention to detail and highly sensitive to deadlines. 保持高度的准确性,注意细节,对截止日期高度敏感 o Ability to work upon a diverse range of tasks and to prioritize effectively to ensure the achievement of the functional goals. 能够处理各种各样的任务,并有效地确定优先级,以确保实现功能目标 o Ability to maintain stability under pressure and manage workload both independently and collaboratively in the team. 能够在压力下保持稳定性,并在团队中独立和协作地管理工作量 o Good oral and written English. 良好的英语口语和书写能力


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